Installing IonCube Loader with cPanel on CentOS

There seems to be limited details of how this is done. It’s fairly simple to be honest, but I felt it could save somebody some time if it was documented.

In case you were wondering IonCube is a PHP encoder, usually used to stop people stealing your PHP code when you distribute it. Consequently to run the encoded PHP you require a “loader”, which will run it correctly.

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Why I registered mIRC

For those that don’t know… mIRC is communication software, otherwise known as an IRC client. IRC (or Internet Relay Chat) to me is a place where people can come together to discuss a shared interest to form a community.

To be a part of these communities is very rewarding in essence that by networking with people you can get involved in things you wouldn’t normally be involved in, while also having the ability to seek advise or help others. The scope of IRC goes far beyond this.

I use mIRC on a daily basis to communicate with friends in these communities, I also use it as a scripting platform for many things from returning the exchange rate to locating a site via google to checking if a domain is taken. The possibilities are endless.

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Configuring a FreeBSD IRC Shell Server

This is a brief guide created to help configure a secure FreeBSD as an IRC shell server.

In this case I will be running FreeBSD 6.0, with bash shell, SSHd, named (bind), httpd (Apache2+PHP4), FTPd (pure-ftpd). Read the rest of this entry »

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Developing a Facebook Application on PHP4

I want to create a facebook application, however currently all my production servers run PHP4.

Ultimately the project will be appear on your Facebook profile as a profile box.

I’m writing this while I begin creating my facebook application to assist people in a similar situation to myself.

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Xen on CentOS Host running FreeBSD Guest

Recently i’ve been investigating Xen. In short, Xen is open source virtualisation software that provides you with the ability to split a physical hardware server (host or dom0) into multiple virtual servers (guest or domU).

What makes Xen so special above the rest is that it offers such a wide span of guest operating systems. Read the rest of this entry »

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My AVI files crash explorer.exe

Often when I am browsing files using explorer I will come across a file that is an avi, when I move my cursor over the file or click on it, explorer will crash with the following message (or similar):

explorer.exe - Application Error

The instruction at “0×04080db8″ referenced memory at “0×00000000″. The memory could not be “written”.

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program


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The requested URL /cpanel was not found on this server

If you run cPanel servers, then you may at some point experience this issue.

The problem is when you attempt to visit “” and you get the following message or similar:

The requested URL /cpanel was not found on this server.

The requested URL /whm was not found on this server.

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email address on your website

This is something that people don’t seem to realise, and although I tell them over and over it seems to go ignored.


The reason is that spam bots crawl websites and gather email addresses, then place them into a list ready to spam.

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Motorola V3X Review

I HATE this phone, here’s why… Read the rest of this entry »


What is the best antivirus software?

This is a question that I get asked very often.

My response is never very clear, simply because it’s mainly a matter of personal preference.

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