PHP coding standards and best practices

I have been using PHP for a long time now, it’s a very flexible language, and is a good platform.

Over the years PHP coders have gotten a very bad reputation mainly due to poor coding and not escaping SQL.

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How can I recycle my computer hardware?


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How to setup Tucows OpenSRS

OpensSRS is a domain reseller system offered by Tucows to internet service providers.

Although Tucows offers a very flexible system, there’s a serious lack of easy to follow documentation.

This document will explain how to get your tucows opensrs reseller account up and running with full access.

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How to Minimize Microsoft Office Outlook to the System Tray

Open your registry and find or create the key below.

Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value, called “MinToTray” and set it according to the value data below.

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Registry Settings
User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Preferences]
Value Name: MinToTray
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (1 = System Tray, 0 = Taskbar)



How to unlock a Samsung E720 mobile phone

I found this out because Orange sucks.

It costs £20 to get your phone unlocked by Orange and the only way to do this is to contact them by phone, and the only way to contact Orange’s Customer Services is to call 150 from your handset or call 07973 100150. What if you’re deaf? What if your handset is broken? What if you cannot call mobile numbers from your landline?

This is why Orange sucks. Naturally, I didn’t pay orange a penny.

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Creating subdomains from directories using mod_rewrite in Apache .htaccess

The idea was to have the ability to create unlimited subdomains simply by creating an appropreate directory for it in your html root directory.

Since most people don’t have direct access to their httpd.conf, the obvious solution was to create a method using mod_rewrite within “.htaccess”. This also allowed it to be setup very easily and quickly.

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Analysis of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Read the rest of this entry »


Compression Utilities

For years now, for whatever reason I have used WinZip. I don’t really know why I continued to use it for so long as from WinZip 8 onwards, I was under the impression that it was going down hill.

Over the year’s i’ve used other compression formats other than “.zip”, including “.rar” and “.ace”. The problem I soon discovered with WinZip is its inability to allow me to open some of these types of archives.

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Creating a Digg clone for your niche market

First of all you need to choose your weapon.

  • Code your own
  • Pay someone else to code it for you
  • Use an already existing open source CMS

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Start your own free email service

I have been interested in starting my own free email service for some time now.

Over the years i’ve seen free email services such as, yahoo, and now, to name just a few of the many thousands out there.

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