An FTP client

I have been looking for a decent FTP client for years, and now I think I have finally found it!

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Tracking eBay auctions

These days I find myself buying all sorts of things off of ebay.

The problem I have found in the past is that I cannot keep track of the items I am bidding on, and then forget about them, consequently ending up with nothing.
I set out to find a FREE method of tracking eBay auctions. An application that allows you to snipe would be good too.

My first port of call was, where I found:

  • BidNobble – This piece of software looked great, however I soon find out that it doesn’t actually work correctly.
  • eBay Agent – This was a nice application written in Perl, which could be run from a server however with no decent frontend.
  • bidwatcher – This application was okay, the problem was it was slow, and this didn’t work properly either.
  • Bid Monkey – Written in python, I tried this, I didn’t like it at all.
  • JBidwatcher – Another java based Bit watcher, that is very poorly designed, and difficult to work with.

I crawled the internet for other applications out there, only to find they don’t REALLY exist.

In the end the best thing I found was a Google Gadget for Google Desktop called eBay Auction Watch. This plug-in is fantastic, its just a shame you’re forced to use it with Google Desktop considering it uses so much system resources.


4GB Mp4 Player ebay Scam

Just before Christmas, I decided I was going to get an MP3 player for my girlfriend as she wanted a new mp3-player, as her 40gb one was too much and now old, so she was looking for something with around 4gb or 8gb of storage space.
A friend suggested there were tuns of 4GB MP4 Players on ebay, I questioned him and said, I wonder why they are going so cheap, his reply was thats because there are so many. I figured something wasn’t quite right, but as the sellers had over 98.99% positive feedback I figured it seemed like a half decent deal.

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New Site

For some time I have been meaning to update my website, I had decided long ago that if I did create a new site it would use the wordpress engine, as I didn’t like the updates of the engine I used previously, which was cutenews.

On the 12th of August 2006 I purchased back after not having it since 2002, I decided to use this for my new site.

Before I created a new site I wanted to decide on a purpose, giving the site more focus resulting in a more successful website. After some time I realised what it was that I wanted to do with my website.

I wanted to make it a central point where I could document my (almost daily) research. As part of my work I find myself doing a lot of research, gathering information on many issues, perhaps information that does exist, but with limited coverage or such. The purpose of the site would be to report my findings on my website, not only for my personal use but to assist others.

In addition to this I would place details of my projects and articles I have written in the past.
And so the new site was born.



Hello world!

Welcome to,

This is the first post.

A new year, a new site.

More posts to follow, need to get the site content and theme finished first.


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