eggdrop tcl
These are TCL scripts I have created for eggdrop.
License agreement: All these scripts are released under the GPL license agreement, and are consequently open source. What I do ask is that if you use any part of the script you credit accordingly and if you make any changes you deem useful to others, please contact me.
channel advert script
Allows you to advertise across many channels, usually used in large channels or shell channels.
- Download adv.tcl
- Download adv.tcl from
pisg channel stats script
pisg is an IRC channel statics generator written in Perl, this tcl script triggers pisg to run on trigger or every X minutes.
- Download pisg.tcl
- Download pisg.tcl from
- Download eggdrop-pisg.tcl from
google lookup
Using the “I’m feeling lucky” button this script returns the best result based on the string you input. Also can return image and regional results. This script is future proof. (Default public commands are !google, !image and !googleuk).
- Download google.tcl
domain whois and tld country lookup !whois and !tld
I have tried a lot of existing domain whois scripts, none of them did what I wanted.
So I decided to write my own, based on a similar script I wrote for mIRC.
This script uses the real whois servers to check if a domain exists or not. It supports almost every single TLD.
As an additional bonus it also allows you to lookup the country based on the tld, which is FAR more accurate than any !country script.
The whois command (!whois) offers the ability to check if domain is available or taken
The tld command (!tld) offers the ability to see which country owns an entered tld.
The tld command is similar to the !country commands, however the tld uses live servers so is never outdated.
The commands can also be triggered inside DCC, where all full domain whois records are displayed.
- Download whoisd.tcl
bitlbee relay *beta*
This script connects an virtual bot to a remote bitlbee im server and relays the information back to your choice of channel on your IRC network.
- Download bitlbee.tcl
get/search file (used on Serialz bot)
A very simple concept of being able to use !get <file> to get a file from a bot. You can also use !search <string> to find the closest matching file, and use !send <nick> <file> to force the bot to send a file to a user.
- Download get.tcl
total files and lines of text in all files in a directory (used on Serialz bot)
This script counts both all files in a specified directory and the total number of lines in all of the text files in a specifified directory. The directories can be different.
- Download totals.tcl
serial list search (used on Serialz bot)
Allows users to search for a string of text within files located in a specified directory, it will return the line that best matches the string. Also allows for standard search flags to narrow down your search.
- Download serials.tcl
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HM2K » MSN via IRC said,
October 17, 2007 @ 3:22 am
[...] I have posted a beta version of the “bitlbee.tcl” under the eggdrop tcl section. Social Bookmark This:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share [...]